A Pandemic Literally has not Occurred
How the idiots who govern us launched a kamikaze attack on a cold
“In reading the history of nations, we find that, like individuals, they have their whims and their peculiarities; their seasons of excitement and recklessness, when they care not what they do. We find that whole communities suddenly fix their minds upon one objects, and go mad in its pursuit; that millions of people become simultaneously impressed with one delusion, and run after it, till their attention is caught by some new folly more captivating than the first.” - Charles Mackay [preface to the 1852 edition of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds]
Happy Valentine’s day to all of you with a spouse who didn’t go covid retarded. To the rest of you, thems the breaks, better luck next time. I suggest doing what I did and choosing a woman based on her predilection to conspiracism and paranoia towards power. [That is legitimately one of the first things I learned about my wife, and in these circumstances it has proven the most important thing.]
Today’s post will be longer than I intended since I have much to say after not writing longform this entire time. I will actually use some links, that this newsletter might look like it was actually intended to be read on the internet and not mailed on printed paper. I’m not gonna go very heavy on stats or citations for them though, since you have had a long time to figure this shit out. [That begs the question of what, then, is the point of me writing, and I would say for the same reason I like to read such things: that it makes the reader feel sane in a regime of cognitive dissonance.]
Let me begin with an anecdote. I was a university student when swine flu broke out. I have never been a disease-fearer, and have always been a doctor-hater, so I will admit I am not prone to this type of panic, and while the media and government did try to panic us to an extent, I was quite sure we would all get it and all be fine. If I did get it, it didn’t hit me personally hard, some of my friends got quite sick though. The same usual suspects such as Neil Ferguson- who never tires of being drastically wrong- had tried to assure us this would be some sort of global mass casualty incident. [Amusingly, Alex Berenson has invented the “Ferguson Unit of Prediction Failure”, or FUPF, with a model being high by 20x equaling one standard unit.]
So what was the reaction? Well, contra the people early in this who said if a disease was more dangerous to young people Boomers would be willing to sacrifice everything- Swine Flu was indeed more dangerous to young people- since the media and bureaucracies loved the president and the lockdown coalition hadn’t coalesced, next to nothing was done. My university, in fact, told us to not go to the doctor unless we were extremely ill and said it was unnecessary to get tested. The only change they made was temporarily banning professors from requiring doctors notes if people missed class so medical resources weren’t wasted on students who merely couldn’t afford an unexcused absence.
In my life, though a couple of friends got very sick, the only thing which changed was we began playing beer pong with water instead of actual beer in the cups, and never went back to beer. It was a huge blow to the culture, and for 10 years I hated “Ms. Piggy” as we called it, for destroying beerpong.
Fast forward 10 years, and the shady lockdown cabal had coalesced from their origins in a science fair project and was in an advantageous position with a media and bureaucracies which obsessively hated the president, knew they couldn’t beat him in an election, and were desperate for anything. This coupled with the fact that the average Boomer Democrat was as obsessed with the idea that America had committed a great sin for which she must be punished by electing him as a crazy evangelical blaming hurricanes on the gays, and they had the formula to take everything from us. Especially given that the otherwise remarkably competent president was a fat elderly disease fearing retard. And so they convinced people we “had to do something”, despite that remaining calm and not taking extreme actions is the proper response to a new threat you know little bit.
But back to my original point: A pandemic literally has not occurred.
Usually, since Branch Covidians are immune to science and data, I simply refuse to play their game with these numbers. This goes along with my belief of calling them retards and moving along with your day. But the charts are still good for lulz, and since they allegedly based policy on them, for all of history it will fuck them that their extremely repressive measures have absolutely no correlation with disease data these very idiots produced.
Here are some current snapshots from WorldOMeter, one of the more innocuous groups to clearly make vast profits off of this scam. I have to admit, I’ve had their page open as a background tab for basically two years straight.
There are two things that basically any logical person who has been alive could see from this. The first is that, with a population of almost 8 billion people, just under 6 million dying in more than two years is hardly any sort of drastic number, and is fact not even notable. A calculator tells me that is .0739% of the global population. That is well under 1 in 1000 people globally, once again over the course of two years. And the average covid death age is the same age as the general death age, meaning that a positive covid test is not associated with increased mortality. Because the tests are faulty and if they do work it is a fucking cold anyhow. [And don’t give me shit about how every death is tragic. Human mortality itself is inherently tragic, but the elderly dying of infectious respiratory disease is just life.] Early in this I kept saying if 1% of the population- concentrated among the most death prone people- died in a few months it would not be worth taking any of our liberty. That would have been 3.4 million Americans before summer of 2020 started, and now they want us to believe .0739% of the global population dying over 2 goddamn years is a pandemic.
The second thing worth noting comes from the second chart. Everything we went through from the beginning was meant to stop from happening what did in fact happen. I will hand it to them, the curves from 2020 and 2021 were finally flattened, because everyone ultimately got covid, as I said the whole damn time. But to be a pandemic something actually has to cause a large amount of deaths, you know the bubonic plague could kill 50% of the entire population of a region.
But, society is exhausted and idiotic, and the media ginned up nonstop panic, the liberals wholly believed that only worship of “The Science” could save us from the moral sin of electing Trump, and people were willing to take two paid weeks off and then had already participated in the scam. Of course, they threw out everything we knew about disease control. It really is fortunate this wasn’t a dangerous disease to the general population because these idiots are absolutely the last people we would want in charge of the response to a dangerous disease [a normal cold can kill like 15% of people in a nursing home, reasonable seasonal disease control policies at nursing homes- literally where people go to die- are probably prudent.] But, we apparently had to sacrifice everything for the fats and the olds. [Also it’s been two goddamn years, the fact that you’re still wearing a mask instead of losing weight speaks volumes about you.]
Let’s briefly go back to an ancient quote which has actually got some use the last couple of years, from Thucydides [who survived the disease he is describing] about the time [probably] fucking ebola [or a similar VHF] broke out while Athens was under siege.
“As a rule, however, there was no ostensible cause; but people in good health were all of a sudden attacked by violent heats in the head, and redness and inflammation in the eyes, the inward parts, such as the throat or tongue, becoming bloody and emitting an unnatural and fetid breath. These symptoms were followed by sneezing and hoarseness, after which the pain soon reached the chest, and producing a hard cough. When it fixed in the stomach, it upset it; and discharges of bile of every kind named by physicians ensued, accompanied by very great distress. In most cases also an ineffectual retching followed, producing violent spasms, which in some cases ceased soon after, in others much later. Externally the body was not very hot to the touch, nor pale in its appearance, but reddish, livid, and breaking out into small pustules and ulcers. But internally it burned so that the patient could not bear to have on him clothing or linen even of the very lightest description; or indeed to be otherwise stark naked. What they would have liked best would have been to throw themselves into cold water; as indeed was done by some of the neglected sick, who plunged into rain tanks in their agonies of unquenchable thirst; though it made no difference whether they drank little or much…if they passed this stage the disease descended further into the bowels, inducing a violent ulceration there accompanied by severe diarrhea, this brought on a weakness which was generally fatal…
By far the most terrible feature of the malady was the dejection which ensued when anyone felt himself sickening, for the despair into which they instantly fell took away their power of resistance, and left them much easier prey to the disorder…It was with those who had recovered from the disease that the sick and dying found most compassion. These knew what it was from experience, and had now no fear themselves; for the same man was never attacked twice—never at least fatally. [2.49-50]
There are a few things to note here. Firstly, our rulers managed to terrify people about a cold, when they had access to modern medical care [though ironically, a country not having hospitals appears to lower covid deaths], sanitation, their own homes, the ability to mostly stay away from people etc. Unlike the Athenians, who were under siege while a truly terrifying virus ripped through their city which killed most who got it. Secondly, they were already aware of how bad social isolation is for people who catch disease, and further that believing you were going to die leads to death [which we’ve seen this whole time, every person 10 pounds overweight with mild asthma thinks they will die from covid because Democrats believe its like 100x more dangerous than it is…and then they do get really sick.] And thirdly, and most importantly, natural immunity was already well understood.
These are all things we knew 2500 years ago. These are things the Roman Empire knew when a plague broke out. These are things early Christians knew. These are things medieval doctors knew when handling the bubonic plague. These are things epidemiologists all knew in 2019. But, we are dealing with year 0 lunatics who don’t believe in anything from the past and don’t want you to know about it; what they believe in are tyranny and supercomputers. As the greatly redeemed Jeffrey Tucker has repeatedly pointed out about this “lost knowledge,” “Your grandmother knew this.”
The idea an infectious respiratory disease can be controlled by public policy is a revolt against nature. It is insane hubris. It is madness. They launched a kamikaze attack on the cold. It was never going to work, and they must have known that; “track and trace” doesn’t even work on this kind of disease once its in a population. And what’s more, since all logic went out the window, those who lived their lives were blamed for how long the “pandemic” went on, not the people whose state goal was to flatten the curve, ie, TO MAKE IT LAST LONGER. Also the idea that you want to prevent the healthy part of the population from getting an infectious respiratory disease was always fallacious. You want the healthy population to get it rapidly so they build herd immunity. It’s what people in their prime do for their parents and their kids.
How did this happen? It doesn’t appear we’ll know for quite some time. But it changed on a dime, someone was controlling the “public health officials” [may the streets run red with their blood.] It is pretty clear China punked at least part of our idiotic political class. There were many useful idiots [Jay Inslee is definitely too dumb to be in on it.] It is also clear that they knew it was probably human modified and that they were accountable, and that is why they went so crazy and acted like it would follow no pre-existing knowledge. Of course the classical 19th century mathematical pandemic model worked perfectly, and their idiotic games of Sim City were completely wrong.
Regardless, as shown in this excellent piece from Vanity Fair, they knew about the lab leak the whole time. About that we know they were intentionally lying, with their bat soup story that was allegedly less racist than saying the Chinese were doing advanced bio-medical research. I thought that piece would make the lie crumble, but it was really when the Zoom class got covid. Suddenly, their two years of insanity and three vaccines had accomplished nothing, and there was not a lot more to be said, but to claim the science had changed—into everything we’ve been prohibited from saying. And then the truckers revolted.
But once again how did this happen? That is still our big question. It is clear that the oligarchy saw their play and made it. Remember that financial interests always benefit from instability. It shouldn’t have been hard to figure out when you’re quarantined and watching Youtube and every other commercial is about how you should stay home (and watch Youtube.) No question that Amazon and Walmart saw the value of shuttering mainstreet while they say open. The modelers and scientists just are self-important retards- there is actually a reason why statesman are meant to consult experts on several relevant subjects and then seek to make a balanced decision, that is what statesmanship is, the balancing of competing needs- but someone told them to change on everything, someone controlled them while simultaneously holding Trump back. Obviously it was a scam to sell medical supplies, which was clear when they tried to just dump tests on the problem, and made a weird expensive pill that didn’t work while banning a cheap, effective medicine that shall remain nameless, and then they they made “vaccines” that are only effective for a fiscal quarter, paid for by the government at god knows what rate, but clearly many tens of billions of dollars of taxpayer money directed to corporations [bear in mind, the average person can be corrupted with a comfortable salary and benefits.]
Regardless, now it is all crumbling. Even the Atlantic is saying all restrictions should end while admitting absolutely no wrongdoing and maintaining it was worth it in the beginning. All of them are still defending the lockdowns, even as they begrudgingly report evidence that they did not reduce disease deaths and were a disaster for humanity and liberty. [Any idiot should have been able to tell you this at the beginning, I was one of the only ones who did.] And as I said before, they can make tepid claims about case rates going down, but the truth is the public is completely over it, and know they have been lied to. At least the ones capable of any independent thought, which is hopefully enough. After two years of nonsense, the whole thing is falling.
So where does this leave us, in our horribly damaged crumbling society full of broken humans who will take years to recover from mass formation psychosis. Inflation is spiraling. They used it to place a stuffed corpse in the presidency, and one who doesn’t even have competent handlers.
I really don’t know, but I hope no one ever trusts these people again. I hope we have our own Nuremberg Trials. I know I simply don’t want to live in a country with the Branch Covidians. We have no future with them in our society. They are too dumb to be free and too useless to be slaves. Their kids are god knows how damaged. It’s really too much to imagine. All we can do is regulate our lives with strict attention to virtue in a very insane and broken world, and try to raise good children who will defend any liberty we are able to leave to them.
Truly, a whole lot of shit has happened in the last two years since a crazed death cult supported by retards with meaningless lives took over our society, but there is one thing which has not occurred: a global pandemic.
This Valentines day I have nothing but love for my fellow pure bloods. For you who caved, remember at least it only takes a few months to rejoin the ranks of the unvaccinated and we were never the ones telling you what to do. For you who still haven’t awoken, well, I’d be amazed if you saw this or read so far.