The CDC Learns About Epidemiology
Is "the Pandemic" Finally Over? Don't Forget and Never Forgive.
“Rationalist theorizing, which is chiefly Alexandrian in origin…is only one branch of medicine, but it makes such grandiose claims that its practitioners come to imagine themselves the only medical experts in the world. But when you bring them down to earth and give them a patient to look after, they turn out to be as useless as someone who has never even opened a single medical textbook. Often in the past patients have entrusted themselves to these people, won over by their way with words, and have come close to losing their lives, even if they had nothing seriously wrong with them in the first place. These theorists are as dangerous as a ship’s pilot who has learnt only from books. They go from city to city with great éclat, and once they have drawn a crowd, they invite up specifically those doctors who have genuinely proved themselves in actual practice, lay logical traps for them, and get the audience to mock them. People often find a plausible argument preferable to actual facts. The third branch of medicine, which exhibits genuine skill in treating individual cases, is not only rare, but is all too often overshadowed, thanks to the inability of ordinary people to see things clearly, by the arrogant verbiage of the theorists.” - Polybius [12.25d]
Well, it is official: literally murdering grandma is public policy. Just look at the CDC’s new guidelines:
They can say whatever they want about the virus having become less deadly but more contagious, as viruses do, but the fact is, they tried to tell the public it was metaphysically bad to get a positive covid test. Asymptomatic spread was always a fiction, mass testing, track and trace, vaccines, etc. were all bullshit the whole time. Don’t let them pretend- as they surely will- that all of their measures worked and saved our country and this is just how things have progressed. This is an admission of failure, and a political effort to put this in the rearview mirror before Democrats get destroyed in the 2022 midterms. Be glad that this particular horror seems to be over, and that the purebloods genuinely won- they gave up without getting us vaccinated and now the CDC clearly admits it doesn’t prevent spread or infection- and that you may get some small time of “normalcy” amidst our collapsing economy and republic [and don’t let July’s slight stock market rebound fool you, it’s all still collapsing.] But do not, for one second forget what these incompetent, evil, power-mad motherfuckers actually did to us and all it has cost us:
The vaccine part is a win in the same sense that you win a revolution simply by surviving, but we have lost far too much to consider the situation anywhere near an overall victory. They’ve proven they can do this, the apparatus is set up, and they’re not admitting they’ve been wrong: never forgive them because they will never ask for it, and they certainly have not earned mercy.
I’ve written previously about how a pandemic literally has not occurred, because at no point was covid what could reasonably be called widespread or even a major cause of death, as I wrote back in February:
“With a population of almost 8 billion people, just under 6 million dying in more than two years is hardly any sort of drastic number, and is fact not even notable. A calculator tells me that is .0739% of the global population. That is well under 1 in 1000 people globally, once again over the course of two years. And the average covid death age is the same age as the general death age, meaning that a positive covid test is not associated with increased mortality.”
They didn’t do this because of a real problem. It was something they made up, as I said in my last article, as some sort of worldwide mass chemotherapy on society to get rid of Trump. Well, that was a component, it was also clearly a shitstorm of incompetence, fear, greed, and various other maladies within our society. I also wrote in February that their covid experiment was crumbling, but somehow they held on for another six months of absurdity, presumably as some sort of a ploy to make it appear the prior two years were worth it. I suppose it was Biden’s “rebound” case that really doomed them, what with him being 4x vaxxed and always in a mask and having taken Paxlovid and also looking like he could drop dead any second yet surviving The Great Virus.
And, now, seemingly, this bullshit is over, but absolutely do not forget the misery of the first days, how people behaved, what they put you through, and the unraveling of society. But really, how did this happen? We will be asking that question for a long time, but a combination of extreme hubris, malice, and incompetence from our so-called “public health officials” must hold the lion’s share of the blame, as they were the ones who made “normalcy” unfeasible for most spineless politicians.
Let’s go back to the incredible Polybius quote I opened with, written around 150 BC, and only included in his text as a metaphor for why some political historians are bad,
“It makes such grandiose claims that its practitioners come to imagine themselves the only medical experts in the world. But when you bring them down to earth and give them a patient to look after, they turn out to be as useless as someone who has never even opened a single medical textbook. Often in the past patients have entrusted themselves to these people, won over by their way with words, and have come close to losing their lives, even if they had nothing seriously wrong with them in the first place.”
Indeed, when this began Fauci had not seen a patient in 40 years [by the way, you only stay in a government position like that for 40 years if you have the ethics of J. Edgar Hoover.] But meanwhile, the doctors who actually treated patients successfully were dismissed as quacks, and the reality-based disease experts, such as those who wrote the Great Barrington Declaration were trashed as moral monsters. No, we were supposed to trust lunatics such as Niall Ferguson and his drastically bad models, the assholes at Johns Hopkins who were reporting “mortality rates” out of “known cases” despite the widespread knowledge that several times that many cases were not reported, or the bastards at the University of Washington Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation, who again had wildly inaccurate models which profoundly impacted policy. By the way, “Agent-Based Modeling” is just a game of Sim City on a super computer operating on the assumption that they have the right inputs and can manage humans as NPCs. It literally is not science, insofar as it doesn’t use the scientific method. These people should all be locked up. I don’t know in what particular way it is illegal for your hubris and incompetence to influence bad policies that lead to millions of excess deaths and trillions of dollars of economic damage worldwide, but there must be something. Deborah Birx, who was the Whitehouse’s “Covid Coordinator” does not even understand the most basic things about clinical trials or epidemiology:
But competence doesn’t matter because Anthony Fauci IS THE SCIENCE:
And now, suddenly, after all they have put us through, it is fine to just ignore potential covid exposure if you don’t get symptoms. We’re all grandma killers now. You know, it is actually neurotic and zany to tell the symptomatic to stay home, if they feel up to working and going into society, as this is how immunity forms. But I’m never gonna expect that much from people who work in “disease prevention” so I will just be happy that for a brief period of time we can treat a cold like a cold. A source that works at Washington State University [in the next city over from me] has told me that they are now not supposed to give students any different “accommodation” for covid than they would with the flu, because of course students being forced into two week quarantine is “accommodating” them.
That is truly them calling it over. Its especially noteworthy as universities went the most crazy, being as they have the strongest belief in “science” and “models,” so that is a sign this is truly over for now. They’re telling professors they aren’t allowed to do this shit anymore, even if said professor has lost his mind and now fears classrooms. And it is over with them agreeing with all of the people they smeared without apologizing or acknowledging it:
The thing is from the beginning these people threw out everything that was previously known about epidemiology. Your grandmother could have told you more about how covid would function than the government-promoted “leading minds.” The least nefarious explanation for this is that they always knew it was a lab leak, and thus believed it would behave differently, which would still be them creating Franken-viruses, lying about it, and then destroying your life [that that is to say, still quite nefarious.] The thing is they didn’t adapt to new evidence, they didn’t use logic, they didn’t value freedom, they didn’t consider human nature, they didn’t look at other consequences, and they didn’t even have any good reason to believe their methods would work if covid behaved whichever way they were pretending it would. What they did do was destroy our lives and economy and steal our freedom so that vast wealth could be transferred to multinational corporations while your small business was forced to close. On top of that they tried to force you to give little Johnny a shot with an unacceptable risk of making his heart explode for a disease that was never a threat to him. All for a cold virus that presented a somewhat increased risk to the elderly and obese. I’ve said this man times, but there is a Greek proverb which goes, “A society thrives when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit,” meaning of course, that the elderly have enough concern for their descendants and posterity to continue to invest in the future in their old age. The inverse, what was done for covid, would be that old men cut down trees their descendants were relying on out of fear it would become a bit chilly. It is selfish, evil, and profoundly destructive.
For now, this bullshit may be over, and the CDC has fallen back on classic epidemiology to treat this like you always treated a cold. But we still have the fight of our lives ahead of us if we expect to get any satisfaction, compensation, or justice from these tyrannical assholes whose “cures” had such an enormously greater cost than whatever benefit they may have had. It truly is as Polybius said,
“Often in the past patients have entrusted themselves to these people, won over by their way with words, and have come close to losing their lives, even if they had nothing seriously wrong with them in the first place.”
If that doesn’t describe what the Faucis and Birxes of the world have done to society over covid, nothing does. In and of itself this slightly unusual cold virus had no ability to cause major social or economic harm: they chose a policy of vast social and economic harm, like torching your house to kill a spider, except it was our collective house; they were harming others the most. And don’t save your rage and vengeance just for the leaders, the everyday Branch Covidians are just as much your enemy, and hold plenty of blame- they are adults, it is not okay to be taken in by shit like this. Now, that in the most roundabout way they have admitted their policies were wrong and gone back to what was once conventional wisdom, it is time to do everything to expose them and defeat them, remembering Homer’s immortal opening words to the Iliad, “Rage—Goddess, Sing.” Sing of your own rage though, not Achilles’.
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I apologize for the email version of this going out with an unusual amount of typos. My wife, my usual proofreader, is out of town, and I was also rushing to get it pubilshed before I have to get my kid back from my parents.