It is incredible how much I learn with writers like you Brad. Thanks for all your work. 2023 was not very kind to me, but as soon as I am back on my feet again, I will make sure to become a paid subscriber.

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thank you so much for your kind words [and hopefully future financial support!]

In many ways I had a very good 2023 but have been down on my luck since about mid November, in more ways than one, but I know how my life goes so I'm due for some really good things to happen. I hope things go better for you in the new year as well.

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Thank you Brad! Happy new year for all of us! Things look strange, but the winds of change are coming, we all can feel it.

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Dec 17, 2023Liked by Brad Pearce

I don't always agree with you but I have to admit that I learn a lot about Africa reading you. Thank you, this was very good to read and learn.

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Dec 17, 2023·edited Dec 17, 2023Author

Thanks, I certainly dont expect people to always agree with me, I have a lot of unpopular views lol

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