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Antiquity example: The Romans really played up Carthaginian child sacrifice as proof they were evil and had to be destroyed. Whether or not Carthaginians actually practiced child sacrifice is still debated, but I lean towards yes.

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Indeed, and then because our leaders are cartoonishly evil, Fauci outsourced _puppy torture_ to Carthage

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Fucking hell, I didn't piece together that location. Makes all the more sense. Baal would certainly accept sacrifices of Beagles. Imagine what a PR coup PETA could have had if they hopped on that. It'd be the one time everyone agreed with them

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For real, like theyve always been against animal testing even when it isnt cruel but i guess theyre all lefties and didnt want to atrack Fauci I didnt hear much about it from them.

And yeah seriously of every country in the world they chose Tunisia. Incredible.

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It's time to reshuffle the deck. Our cards are played out. Don't see how anything about our current systems can be prolonged more

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