“The persons to blame are you who are so foolish as to institute these contests; who go to see an oration as you would to see a sight, take your facts on hearsay, judge of the practicability of a project by the wit of its advocates, and trust for the truth as to past events, not the fact which you saw more than the clever strictures which you heard; the easy victims to newfangled arguments, unwilling to follow received conclusions; slaves to every new paradox, despisers of the commonplace; the first wish of every man being that he could speak himself, the next to rival those who can speak by seeming to keep up with their ideas by applauding every hit almost before it is made, and by being as quick in catching an argument as you are slow in seeing its consequences; asking, if I may say so, for something different from the conditions under which we live, and yet comprehending inadequately those very conditions.” -
Cleon son of Cleaenetus [Thucydides, 3.38.4-7]
Having seen some campaign ads on Hulu- my wife and I don’t pay for ad-free more to “stay on the pulse of society” than to save a few dollars- something has struck me about the Republican attack ads this cycle: the things they are saying about Democrats should be hyperbole but are not. Things really are as bad as they say- Democrats have grown completely deranged, pushing ideologies of race and gender identity and the BLM fraud, climate change, crime denialism, covid insanity, open borders, and a profoundly reckless foreign policy while attacking the productive economy and bankrupting us with runaway spending on asinine projects to transform society. Sadly, it is not just Democrats, but really what you might call the “liberal internationalists” generally- this is clearly as bad or worse in the other Anglosphere countries and Europe. Honestly, what’s wrong with these people is such a vast topic it’s hard to organize this in a coherent fashion, and I will surely miss many things- but you, too, live with them every day. None of what follows is meant as an endorsement of Republicans, who certainly have their own problems and are extremely unlikely to properly save us, but it is profoundly clear which camp is worse in 2022 America.
Here is just one example of a campaign ad, from Washington Republican Senate candidate Tiffany Smiley.
She is in front of a disused, graffited building in Seattle, claiming that it shut down because there is too much crime for employees to go to work. That should be made up. However, Starbucks did indeed close locations in Democrat run cities due to crime. And it isn’t just them, these stories come out all the time, for example it was just announced that Wawa is closing locations in Philadelphia’s city center due to crime. This is not the ghetto: businesses cannot operate in the central business district- perhaps this has something to do with the city’s “non-interventionist” approach to crime. This is madness. I mean what the actual fuck is going on in our cities:
And you know who wants to defund the police? Rich white Democrats who can afford private security. Just look at this vote map:

They’re perfectly happy to put the minorities they go on and on about in great danger as long as it pleases wealthy activist donors and their over-educated friends and gives them something to talk about at galas for shitty exhibits of “anti-racist” art. Everything the Democrats do either puts the public in vast danger or simply makes them miserable, because as the introductory Thucydides quote said, they only care about fancy arguments and pay no attention to the results of their policies. Further, they are bankrupting the nation by responding to inflation with huge spending, making it extremely hard even for theoretical competent future leaders to dig out of the hole they are burying us in. On top of that, they are huge dicks while they do it and do not even hide their disdain for the public. They constantly come up with new, insane things that we are meant to believe, such as that you can be a “non-binary” person with “zher” pronouns and the rest of the world must acknowledge that or that it is normal to mutilate and sterilize children based on the sick fantasy that not just gender, but sex is some sort of “construct.” And of course you’re a racist and bigot if you don’t go along with every new-fangled paradox. But we’re the extremists?

I honestly don’t even know how they keep up with all their new ideological tests, but they will essentially apologize for anything and do things they can’t even begin to explain like spelling the word “folks” as “folx” for no describable reason. Never mind that the word “folks” is inherently completely conclusive as it means “any and all people meeting the preceding adjective,” [I’ve asked many times, no person who uses “folx” knows why, though they will say vague things about spelling being white supremacy.] I can’t imagine living in their social circle, but at the same time, if you have no pride it’s kind of easy to just do what you’re told and grovel and say you will try to learn whenever you make “a mistake” which “harms” some protected group. This must be quite fun for the children and minorities being grovelled at as they lead the ostensible “adults” in the room around by the nose. It’s all no different from the idiot old liberals in Dostoevsky’s Demons trying to impress the young revolutionary nihilists.
However, despite their belief in their own open-mindedness, they consider even the slightest disagreement to be “harmful” and probably “white supremacy” to boot. Instead of trying to connect with the general public, they absolutely hate them, as they are “despisers of the commonplace” as described in the opening quote. They’ve become a party which hates the working class as oppressors of those with higher incomes and only has the genuine support of people with advanced degrees and black female government employees. And they are going ever more crazy as their wildly unpopular policies fail to capture the public imagination:

What is even more terrifying, is that while usually there is factionalism among the elite which does a good deal to protect public liberty, they have now all aligned. Even 10 or 20 years ago, of powerful groups in society- while individual oligarchs might be on either side- it was broadly the case that the media, academia, the non-spy agency/law enforcement federal government bureaucracies, and organized labor were on the left; corporations, the military, and spy agencies/federal law enforcement and the Catholic Church were on the right. They may have mostly all been friends at the end of the day, but they were still at least fighting for spoils and relying on support for different factions of the public. Now they have all formed into one elitist Democrat woke blob. The commons- who haven’t lost their minds- kind of have some Republicans and Fox News, and, thank God, the Supreme Court Trump built on side. But this is in a society where the government and tech corporations are massively more powerful than they used to be and the Democrats are hell bent on overthrowing the court by any means necessary.
Recently, former Congresswoman and Presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard released a video explaining why she is leaving the Democrat Party and it is far more true than it should be:

Here is her further explaining her decision on Tucker, where she directly says that the modern Democrats hate freedom:

In the past, though people disagreed on in which areas the public should have liberty, generally political messaging still to a degree focused on the freedom of the public in one way or another. The the only freedom Democrats now speak of is their extremist no-limits abortion position that seems to be enforced at a national donor level, given that it wholly lacks popular support:

However besides their deranged obsession with being able to kill fully formed babies at term there is no other kind of freedom they appear to support- besides releasing mad-men and criminals into the public. Saying a politician hates freedom should at least somewhat be a joke, even if it was always genuinely applicable to Hillary Clinton, who is essentially the avatar of this entire faction:
The partisans of this group now regularly use the term “freedumb” to mock anyone who has the slightest belief in human liberty because they literally hate freedom. Look at a search for it on Twitter. It’s even more popular with their allies in Canada. Its hard to imagine members of the public openly being anti-freedom partisans- they should be far too ashamed- but after over 6 years of constant panicked narratives about Russiagate, climate, police violence, covid, Ukraine, and everything else this group is wholly broken, which is making them ever more hateful.
In response to this they’ve become open partisans of an oligarchic cabal that has convinced them it can protect them from an evil general public they inexplicably think have all the power. [Well, it’s not entirely inexplicable, as they’ve been manipulated and brainwashed for years.] They cannot imagine people could disagree with their insane ideas and completely unworkable policies for any reason but ignorance and evil while our economy collapses, crime spirals, and massive numbers of humans are allowed across the border only to suffer. This is why everyone they don’t agree with is a bot or paid by Russians. These are people so brainwashed some of them have gotten five dangerous shots for a disease with almost no chance of killing them. Absolute lunacy. Here is the beginning of a thread of just one person voting Republican for the first time and describing how her twitter feed became a topic of obsession to former coworkers:

You should read the whole thread, as she really lays out how maximalist and black and white they’ve become. The story of the professor who said “I don’t know how Nixon won, no one I know voted for him” is said to be apocryphal but it has certainly come be true of the academic elite.
In a way, though, I understand where the Democrats are coming from, because I was once an ignorant, immature, and angry child. When I was a teenager who hated society- this is before I became an adult who hates society- I had a comparable attitude of disliking everything yet somehow thinking those same institutions being authoritarian could fix society. This is really the source of the desire for tyranny and authoritarianism- a self-important hatred of society whereby you think you could do so much better.
It’s hard to explain but it is fundamentally a confused and inverted desire to dominate your fellow man while thinking it is liberating the oppressed from the domination of the general public. The reason it is hard to explain is because it doesn’t make sense and shouldn’t exist outside of the brain of a child trying and failing to make sense out of a corrupt society. This really is what it comes down to: they think any form of convention or tradition is inherently evil and must be replaced with their abstract nonsense [ironically, as I’ve explained before, they are simultaneously obsessed with the liturgy of government, presumably also due to a lack of meaningful beliefs.] They have somehow come to think that supporting the establishment is a rebellion against the real evils of society. This comic is old, but still completely on point:
And their obsession with government authority is downright terrifying. They really have absolutely fallen in love with the federal “law enforcement” agencies. There is an irony here that the liberals now hate the police but love the FBI whereas the conservatives love the police but hate the FBI, though there is a logic to it being as one side prefers local control and one side hates it. As Gabbard mentioned above though, their willingness to turn the government on their political opponents is absolutely horrifying. It’s easy to think of their permanent crusade to prosecute Trump, but he is at least in the mix. Look at this terrible tale of a man who was raided by federal agents- after offering to turn himself in- for getting a crazed abortion activist out of the face of his son. After the local justice system chose to not press charges- because he didn’t do anything- he is facing years in federal prison on the spurious charge of interfering with a man’s access to abortion:

You really see the obsession with establishment power with the “NAFO” idiots on Twitter who somehow think it is brave to troll for the world’s most powerful military cabal with their ridiculous and cringe dog pictures. Besides their coordinated reporting campaign, all they achieve is making people so embarrassed for them that using Twitter is unpleasant. I am reminded of an old Stephen Colbert interview on The Daily Show, when both Colbert and that show were still good, where he interviewed some face-painted punk rocker who was a huge George W. Bush fan and the segment was called “Raging For The Machine.” And this isn’t just some fringe group, the dumbest member of Congress, “Never-Trump Republican” Adam Kinzinger is in on this throwing out these elementary school level takes for fawning liberals:

I do understand their affinity for Ukraine though, as the nation as a whole acts just like them- corrupt, entitled, willing to say anything no matter how absurd, believing they can act without consequences, and living in a fantasy land where abstract “ideals” are everything and real world consequences don’t and can’t exist, relying wholly on establishment support for power while considering themselves the underdog. It should be impossible for anyone to see the behavior of Ukraine’s government and approve- outside of sheer ethnic loyalty- but to Democrats it has become a model state, right down to an understanding of the world wholly informed by fantasy films.
The liberal media-believers are genuinely broken by propaganda and hold no values but supporting “the current thing.” Here is an amusing old Tweet from someone who clearly once had very different views on Ukraine before he was broken by the media:

A reply to this being brought up is priceless:
Quite clearly, the only thing that changed was the person being brainwashed by the media and Ukraine becoming the current thing. I even encountered someone who was so deranged as to openly be proud of his bravely going along with what every power center in society tells him to believe. He threw back this meme in response to my mocking:
And because they can’t actually sell anyone but the people “fooled all the time” on their policies, they default straight to censorship as they very obviously cannot win in the “marketplace of ideas.” These ghouls who were once from a faction that was meant to believe in free expression even celebrated someone being arrested for saying things deemed “transphobic.”

This is why this overpaid woke professional class is still so panicked about the premise that Musk will buy Twitter and perhaps not use it as a vast political censorship apparatus.

The public hates their entire class and their disastrous policies so the only thing to do is restrict speech. This is why they attack anything that allows speech as “far right.” This is the origin of the bizarre phenomenon of hating Substack despite that it’s hard to imagine opposing a basic subscription newsletter service for not pro-actively censoring content.

It just is freedom hating. This thread from a former Substack employee demonstrates what was once just a boilerplate liberal opinion:

But no, clearly any free speech is “far-right.” It is absolutely the case that only the far-right has ever believed in free speech and the only reason anyone wants free speech is to say racial slurs. That makes sense.

Besides Dave Smith, who is a libertarian, and Tucker of course, every single person I have used in this article is a left-of-center person who is speaking out about the insane rot that is modern mainstream “liberals” and most of them have been dragged as far right despite holding very left-wing social and economic views. It is preposterous to say people like Glenn Greenwald, Russell Brand, and Tulsi Gabbard are far right, but having any belief in free thought or concern about corporate control puts you in this category to the modern liberal establishmentarians. Just for one interesting microcosm of the liberals falling under total corporate control is that they now believe so much in “the science” they will mock people for basic concern about their children being exposed to chemicals, as we’ve all seen:
Another example of this phenomenon is liberals- always liberals- will do a quick search for Caitlin Johnstone then attack her for once having written a book about astrology because now it is somehow disqualifying for an anti-imperialist to be kind of a hippie. It’s just absolutely unbelievably, everything about liberals from when I was growing up is gone and what is left is a group that hates genuine free expression and only believes in corporate institutional control, extremely restricted speech and ideas, and a bizarre conformity where they encourage you to personally be a neurotic, unhappy freak like everyone else. It would be one thing if their policies worked and they otherwise sucked, but our superpower of a nation is crashing rapidly under their insane, unworkable ideas and policies as we lose everything to an oligarchy and their useless, over-educated sycophants. It’s hard to see this as anything but some sort of twisted conspiracy to destroy society. I don’t know how far they can take this. The backlash is growing enormous. But it seems that by brainwashing people in college into believing racism is the primary feature of society, convincing them climate change will kill us all, telling them the public deserved cosmic punishment for electing Trump, terrifying them of covid as that punishment, demonizing all forms of logical dissent and personal liberty, and then telling them a new Hitler trying to take the Donbass so they must be willing to risk dying in nuclear war, the media and academic class have permanently broken this group of people. I see no possible way to re-integrate them into sane society, which presumably means our only option is politically dominating them and managing it as a problem while we wait for them to die from depression, obesity, and quarterly MRNA “vaccines.” At least the upcoming elections look very bad for this hateable faction, but that is a shallow comfort being as we have to continue to live with them in our society and no nation can thrive with cities as malmanaged as ours or so large a section of the public so deranged and servile.
Correction 10/17: The original version of this article implied that Rep. Adam Kinzinger is a Democrat. I had forgotten he is Liz Cheney-style Republican turncoat fawned over by the liberals.
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"Liberals" never wanted freedom. Those who advocate for ever-bigger government are not freedom lovers. "Liberals" always wanted power. Now that they have it, they have dropped their "anti-establishment" facade.
The word liberal shouldn't come anywhere near the description of the modern Democrat. There's nothing liberal about them. They've transitioned from earnest Progressives to unrelenting Utopianists. Most of the cultural issues they promote are just a misdirection to distract people, especially young people, from the fact that they are both poor and miserable thanks to decades of Progressive meddling and institution destruction.