Nov 6, 2022Liked by Brad Pearce

"Liberals" never wanted freedom. Those who advocate for ever-bigger government are not freedom lovers. "Liberals" always wanted power. Now that they have it, they have dropped their "anti-establishment" facade.

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Yeah theyre naked authoritarians now

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The word liberal shouldn't come anywhere near the description of the modern Democrat. There's nothing liberal about them. They've transitioned from earnest Progressives to unrelenting Utopianists. Most of the cultural issues they promote are just a misdirection to distract people, especially young people, from the fact that they are both poor and miserable thanks to decades of Progressive meddling and institution destruction.

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Yes, one of my friends also commented that I should have made it more clear that liberal is a misnomer, something I am well aware of. I agree with that criticism of this piece.

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Oct 24, 2022Liked by Brad Pearce

It's not a criticism to be honest. It's a natural mistake if you grew up in the second half of the last century when Liberal was synonymous with the Left.

Good article. It's an insightful observation that all the powerful institutions have realized it's far easier to work together than against one another, an alarming phenomenon that woke me from my Gen X slumber under Obama. I guess people are a lot less skeptical of power when they think their side is winning...

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Well thats definitely a well recognized phenomenon, and then its always the case the next guy has the power so its all extremely ill advised to not oppose bad precedent because your team is in power but most do.

And the left also hate what they call liberals, perhaps even more than they hate conservatives. There is a general understanding that it means Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, HRC establishmentarian types who hate freedom.

We unfortunately dont really have any good word for the sane left-of-center people featured in this article, which is kind of funny as they are more or less liberals in an old sense before the word's use became so corrupted.

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True, true, all true. The last time I spoke with my mother, she accused me of being ... wait for it ... "far-right"! Yes, my *mother* somehow bought the absurdist nonsense that antiwar critical thinkers are now all "far-right" extremists. Western civilization was already swirling the drain, but now it is doomed.

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Ive seen you interact with your mother on the internet, and its depressing. My own mother was a politically disinteterested conservative libertarian before she caught TDS and became a Hillary partisan, which is really upsetting cause shes a very smart and talented woman but simply doesnt know about politics.

My wife and I both have divorced and remarried parents, and thus between us have EIGHT boomer liberal parents. My dad is an old school moderate anti-war democrat who still thinks his first vote for McGovern was his best vote, him I can still talk to, my wifes mom who is hella liberal elite can be cool talking to me privately, besides that, we just cant speak to them about anything.

Huge array of siblings who are all political retards too, my brother is a libertarian but had been a philsopher in academia for like 20 years so the most milquetoast shit ever now.

Its all very frustrating.

At least we have eachother.

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Oct 19, 2022Liked by Brad Pearce

This is why you need to keep writing. Thanks again.

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I'm definitely keeping writing. Hopefully I can get some more paid subs so the time spent is less of a financial burden. We keep meaning to start a sub only short podcast discussing the articles a few days later esp to talk about updates to the story or anything like that but we keep not managing to do it.

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Did you see this story about classical music, also at CJ:


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I didnt see that one specifically, but I have followed cityjournal talking about the destruction of art in general, and its all been incredible

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