Excellent work. FWIW I have no doubt some Hamas fighters that went into israel intentionally killed civilians. Partially because I have never seen another country (besides us of course) be so shameless about propaganda as Israel, I have very little trust of initial reports. So yes this confirms my priors but it also looks like it checks out. Makes me wonder how often this happened. https://electronicintifada.net/content/israeli-forces-shot-their-own-civilians-kibbutz-survivor-says/38861

And then there is the whole "oh look we found plans to murder kids and civilians on a dead soldier" where we are asked to believe that Hamas is skilled enough to outwitt Massad and get in inside Israel, but too stupid to know jews go to temple on saturdays. https://www.moonofalabama.org/2023/10/pro-israel-propaganda-is-stupid.html

Obviously I don't know anything for sure but I wouldn't be surprised if, at the very least Israel tried to maximize the body count, and make it look as brutal as possible to provide cover for the ongoing ethnic cleansing of the rest of the strip.

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Extremely valuable and so much work put in to this article!

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Thank you! This is for sure the longest thing Ive ever written in life it would be about 50 pages double spaced as they have you wrire papers in college.

I worked on it for 6 days. Very glad to be done.

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That's one deep rabbit hole. Thanks

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You are truly one of the “fearless reporters” who do the most vital work required for a society to can function.

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Thank you! That means so much to me.

I definitely had to "drink on it" [literally] before deciding to do this piece, given how unpopular it is to go after a rescue organization after a mass casualty event, but there was such a story here. And I actually haven't really gotten hate from it, I assume the thoroughness of the research and the high degree of corruption from Zaka has saved me in that regard.

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I found your posted backstory after this reporting made me wanna know who the hell is this guy and how did he get this way!? I so identify with parts of your story - from a boomer perspective, but can’t match your admirable deep and focused literary trek.

Don’t ever think that accuracy will defuse hate, it’s a multiplier. For a real hoot, don’t miss the live phone call by Grayzone with a NYT ‘social media’ airhead who announced she’s plotting to smear them shortly.

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hah, thanks. It was the WaPo, i watched the beginning of it but was doing something, I need to play the rest. And you have a good point but one way or another this didn't nearly upset people as much as I would have expected, though it didn't move out of the circles of people who want to get this kind of information. But you're correct, as they say, "People will forgive you for being wrong, they will never forgive you for being right."

Also it all started when I found out the adults were lying about Santa lmao, I never trusted authority again

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Oops, yeah WaPo, hard to tell the difference in court stenographers sometimes….for me it was “do as I say not as I do” which is fine if you’re talking about adult behavior but not when you’re just a hypocrite.

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WaPo is the most egregious for originating completely false stories, presumably because DC is the heart of all lies, or something

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