Mar 13, 2023Liked by Brad Pearce

Jing in chinese means 'energy', there is 'fa jing' which is released energy like a spring

Doing nothing is the center of the ying-yang, when flowing it appears to be a spiral, when still its a mountain one side light, one side dark, the spiral cannot be defeated

When a fighter is still he is centered;

Enough china philosophy, HK did well to kick out its CIA funded kids, they had USSA college prof's teaching students 'hands-on' to make molotov cocktails;

China kicked their ass, after they nearly destroyed HK small city, but they did arrest them, defund their CIA ATM cards, and bingo it was over

Georgia could do the same thing if it had a sponsor, sounds like RUSSIA is smart enough to just let it go, as having too much on its plate, but with full denial, why not sponsor Georgia Gov to kick some ass and arrest the students & defund their ATM's?? Seems some thing deeper to this story, like almost certain country's are being horse-traded behind the scenes for the coming 'truce'.

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I figured that Avatar had it correct as an insanely wise children's show.

And yeah a lot could be going on behind the scenes, but regardless Georgia has been wise to not let this escalate for the time being, and I think they will survive because of it. But as ever, time will tell.

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Call it what you a 'nationalist coalition', or SCCO or global-south-free-MIL, or "Just say No to Soros: PMC Style"

There needs to be a team that country's can call that can come take out the garbage that we see in these 'color revolutions', all ran out of colleges, all using western prof's as Marxist operators', all funding student rioters on payroll using ATM debit cards;

Recently in IRAN, but they took care of business.

Some will say, you can't hurt the child protestors, or don't be mean; But that said, if you let them win, then you get UKRAINE rapes & mutilations, or like USSA you get anti-fa & blm and they burn your citys down; So its better to nip the disease in the bud, when its young in the University's and near the Univ, and demonetize the ATM-debit cards of the financiers early on; Sanction the SOROS accounts fueling this shit as soon as your smell it;

Once these SOROS groups get to a 'critical size' not unlike critical-mass of nuclear material, there is no stopping them, thus wishful thinking is suicidal; IRAN did the right thing, and so did China in HK;

Lastly, another reason not to let them win; As seen in Ukraine, once the coup has transpired and a new puppet-gov in place and they build a MIL, then the USSA can use that country as cannon-fodder to run their war, and ever call the USSA non-binary wimps to war; So stopping these SOROS-COUP's, defangs the USSA-CIA agenda;

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Yes, but one has to act extremely carefully against such enemies

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Lo siento, pero no tengo dinero para pagar, soy un jubilado español, y cobro muy poco dinero. Hace 2 días, que intento comunicar a los georgianos, el mal momento elegido, como para una revolución de Color y mira por donde, yo en mi pagina de FB. leo a Ron Paul y decidí, compartir la publicación, además de enviársela a una periodista georgiana ex de RT. ahora, no me sale el nombre, es normal en mi, soy hiperactivo. tan pronto recuerde el nombre, "Inageorgeva" o algo parecido, pero ya di indicaciones, para que alguien se la entregue.. Muy buen reportaje. Gracias Vfg.fm.

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