Feb 4, 2023Liked by Brad Pearce

As much as I am always trying hard to separate the personality of a politician from their actual policies, in the case of Trump, because he is defined by his bigger than life persona, I just don’t want four more years of him, even when I agree with most of his political views. And I really don't want another four years of absolute insanity and lunacy sucking away all the air from any serious conversation – not that the American public ever had any appetite for nuanced debates. Also, to the argument that he learned from his previous stint in DC, I would say that “sunshine, you had your chances”. Being a carrier politician is a skill that just like any other profession, must be learned over years; and him being an outsider meant he had no idea how to work the system. If he really wants to drain the swamp, then start an armed uprise/revolution then - although admittedly I have hard time imagining Trump in camo, sleeping with his troops in the dust and mud, living on M.R.E. a’ la Washington.

As far as DeSantis, him being the neocon on foreign policy, maybe he is like Nixon going to China; maybe DeSantis is the one who can sit down with the Russians to negotiate an end to the war in Ukraine, and hammer out a new European security framework, without being blamed as a Russian agent. I know, that’s a lot of maybes, but I guess hope is eternal.

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Yeah I pretty much agree on both points. It would be nice to have good options for once.

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