I was immediately triggered by Balkanization. But who do you think invented Balkanization? Who broke up Yugoslavia and ignited a civil war for their little imperialist experiment? As Assange said, there is nothing special about the Balkans except that history happens a bit earlier there, so you had an opportunity to preview it.

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yeah and that term is quite old.

Robert Kaplan also wrote: “Politics in Yugoslavia perfectly mirrors the process of history and is thus more predictable than most people think.”

I actually wrote a quite long piece about Serbia in 2023 and a large part of my premise [continued in a later article titled "The End of Kosovo's Utility"] is about how they use it to prove whichever point they want to prove about "international law" etc


What is funny is I hadn't read Black Lamb & Grey Falcon when I wrote this article, and said basically that you could write a 1000 page history of this region and only kind of scrape the surface, and I did not realize that such a book exists and is very, very good.

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Thanks for the interesting read. However, it is mostly written from a preconceived Western perspective. Serbia was not always poor, warring, or infected by pirates. It was calm and pastoral for most of its history. In the Middle Ages, it had a prosperous state that started spreading out of Kosovo, so Kosovo as the cradle is not a 19th century myth but a historical fact. This state adopted Christianity and instilled a sense of nationality in the Serbs back in the 13th century. Anyways, it's a long story. Your take was benevolent and with lots of truthful angles, but still not completely correct. One of the biggest errors is treating Vucic as some sovereign. He is a Western puppet brought in after the previous puppet didn't deliver the goods. To correct that error, he uses fake nationalist rhetoric to keep the Serbian masses, which are largely anti-West, at bay. In reality, he does what he is told by his colonial overlords, and since this is the fringe of the empire and not its core, he is allowed certain experiments and leeways that he wouldn't have if Serbia was in the EU (like China-Russia economic ties), but all of that is fairly superficial. Serbs lost a major war, lost their country, lost their economy, and any form of sovereignty in the 90s. Now we fight for bare biological survival, but since our European partners have us tasked to be a lithium mine for the green agenda, even that is largely at stake now.

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Vucic is a really hard to read political figure in general, and it seems his base are people who do not use the internet, at least not in English. The NGO class dislikes him as do most of the nationalists.

The western Balkans were relentlessly difficult for Romans to pacify though.

As I said I actually read Black Lamb & Grey Falcon in the time since I wrote that so I know a lot more about the history of Yugoslavia than I did

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Yes, come one and come all. Please help us destroy our Country, we don’t have enough revolutionaries to do it. We’ve tried for decades to brainwash and indoctrinate, but reality keeps getting in the way thwarting our plans to finally get a chance to institute Marxism the way it truly needs to be implemented. And perhaps be the first known success in history? This, folks, is the very essence of insanity. The dumbasses are truly insane. How in a the world did we keep electing them into power? Because we think they’re so much cooler? Man have we bought the Media lies hook, line and sinker. Who’re the dumbasses now? We need look no further than the nearest mirror. And now when God sends us a lifeboat, we say no, it’s not good enough and nothing is good enough, we’re so superior in our thinking, we’ve advanced from dumbass snobs to pathetic “intellectually honest” nincompoops. Thank God for the majority of good, honest, common sense, hardworking salt of the earth people. They are our only hope of getting out of the mess we put ourselves in.

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This article should be printed out and read in all high schools across the country

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That is kind of you to say, I would love for the country's adults to read it

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My position shoots in both directions so I've resisted writing weakly about it. However, your argument is exceptional, the post of the month, and I wish that I had, on hand, a similar, reasonable article in opposition.

Restacks are compliments but crossposts more meaningful, so I will do the latter at Midday.

And fuck my 'fellow South African', Elon Musk.

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Thank you! I do think that smaller amount of immigration that were more controlled would ultimately be fine but I still dont think it would be a net positive generally. I also just think its crazy one is basically socially obligated to want immigration to not be a fascist when that is not how countries are historically generally ran.

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The goal is to ensure that there's no reasonable conversation, facts versus facts, on anything that matters. Such short-term thinking for profit and power is, literally, sociopathic.

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White countries deserve more immigration.

No one told your ancestors to pick up guns and go around the world colonizing/stealing from others.

Now suffer for what your dumb ancestors did.

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