Re: The sanctity of emissaries — one of the greatest blunders in history is that of the murder of the Mongolian emissaries (and accompanying traders) by the Khwarzamian Shah. There is no more Khwarazmian empire because of that. The point is this: Even someone with the morals of Genghis Khan found murdering emissaries to be going too far.
Great article, Brad. Articles like these are changing my mind and worldview. I have generally been sympathetic to Israel growing up, and even into my adult life. I was raised with a dispensational Christian upbringing (God loves Israel-rapture people) which I converted away from in university. I maintained a general sympathy for Israel. However, with a growing awareness of Epstein, Mossad infiltration of Western gov, and the October 7 attacks that make no sense aside from Israel allowed for it to happen to justify their current course of action, I’m losing patience for them as well. They’ve clearly exceeded beyond reason, and it appears they’re clearing out gaza for no other reason than personal expansion. Now, writing after the attack from Iran, I don’t know where this whole thing goes. I’m glad Russia, and Iran, have continued to show some restraint and maturity these last few years compared to the US and Israel.
Thank you, I'm glad to have an impact. I am from a sort of normie Baptist background but of course in American Christianity they went really far the other way in trying to remove anti-semitism from Christianity and there is overwhelming support for Israel, even if it rarely came up in church.
From as soon as I actually learned what the situation was I assumed everyone would support Palestine since they are obviously the oppressed ones, I had actually become more neutral and less hostile to Israel as an adult until the events of the last 6+ months.
Scorching article from start to finish. One thing: “It would be hard to make people forget Israeli responsibility for any retaliation which kills Americans.” There is already the tragic case of Rachel Corrie. One of the WCK volunteers was American. 33,000 Palestinians have been killed. It is Israel in this position partly because that position is uniquely defined by ideological, geopolitical and geographical factors, including the extreme leverage of the Jewish holocaust, of Oct 7, gaslighting the US as the only power to have used a nuke, authored the global terror playbook, committed war crimes everywhere…yet still hand over the bombs to drop on hospitals. Honestly the leverage these fuckers have is incredible. They hold the WWIII touch paper and one wonders re the extent of Epstein Island kompromat. Nothing less than a transformative miracle is required. Hopefully that doesn’t require WWIII. Then again, this IS WWIII.
I did mention Rachel Corrie, but yeah, it should be hard yet it seems quite a large percentage of the population will ultimately go along with the media's narrative on it, and it's commonly the case that people later forget what everyone knew before a war.
I actually just wrote something partially about this premise:
the US bombing of Serbia in '99 was the beginning of post-Cold War relations between the US and Russia collapsing, but all major human events generally have multiple causes.
The pathetic attempt by official spokespersons of the Israeli military and sympathizers to portray the IDF as an organization of heroic warriors of the highest morality and competence indicates a high level of delusion or cynicism. From what I can see the IDF consists of undisciplined groups of cowardly and brutish thugs, too afraid to come out of their armoured vehicles and fight the Palestinian resistance man to man, and who only seem capable of terrorizing, maiming and killing unarmed civilians. The one group that does show high levels of competence, bravery and discipline is the Palestinian resistance including all its factions.
I mean I shudder to think what would happen if the US actually tried to universally conscript the 18 year olds and make them fight a war near home. I think perhaps the era of the smart phone is badly compatible with fighting wars with conscript armies.
Anyway I think it's mostly the combination of malice and idiocy described within this article, but hard to say.
One of the evils of colonization is that the demography of a territory changes forever. Once you are born on that land, you don't have a homeland to return to. The current evil of Israel is the supremacist attitude towards the Palestinians. Israel's crimes in Gaza have made a one-state solution even more difficult and created a Schicksalsgemeinschaft of a people united in supporting horrific crimes against the colonized population. What kind of future is Netanyahu after?
the one state solution is obviously completely dead, what is more unfortunate is the constant expansion in the West Bank has made it clear that compliance is slow death. So what is there to do besides fight? They've clearly intentionally made meaningful Palestinian sovereignty over the West Bank impossible.
The two state solution was always just a fig leaf to cover the goal of complete take over of Palestine by Jewish settlers. But a pure Jewish state that the extremists want to achieve is not sustainable in the long run. I think Israel's usefulness to the US will end and maybe then, a compromise as in one state solution can be achieved.
Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the most evil of them all? Mirror replies, Israel, Israel, Israel
Why waste so much time and energy putting so many words to paper when that’s all you’re saying?
Seems like you’re really trying to convince yourself when you know the truth is that the USA’s actions in the Middle East since the end of WWII make this latest squabble in Gaza look more like a harmless scuffle between cousins.
"Why waste so much time and energy putting so many words to paper when that’s all you’re saying?" you ask. I guess one possible answer to that is: to make people like yourself finally come to terms with the fact that you are defending the indefensible.
also i've been criticizing US foreign policy especially in the Middle East, especially our counterproductive "counter-terror" policies for as long as I have had any decent political awareness. Support Israel is a key component and cause of the US's horribly destructive ME policy.
I also wouldn't go with "the US is actually evil" if I was a Zionist trying to defend Israel, but IDK
Indeed. That should be an obvious point, but then again, in dealing with Israel apologists not one single aspect of reality can be taken for granted. It's like having to make the point that, no, it's actually not ok to kill 20 civilians just because there was a single legitimate target around - let alone when that target is sleeping and thus not posing any direct threat whatsoever. Mind boggling.
Re: The sanctity of emissaries — one of the greatest blunders in history is that of the murder of the Mongolian emissaries (and accompanying traders) by the Khwarzamian Shah. There is no more Khwarazmian empire because of that. The point is this: Even someone with the morals of Genghis Khan found murdering emissaries to be going too far.
Great article, Brad. Articles like these are changing my mind and worldview. I have generally been sympathetic to Israel growing up, and even into my adult life. I was raised with a dispensational Christian upbringing (God loves Israel-rapture people) which I converted away from in university. I maintained a general sympathy for Israel. However, with a growing awareness of Epstein, Mossad infiltration of Western gov, and the October 7 attacks that make no sense aside from Israel allowed for it to happen to justify their current course of action, I’m losing patience for them as well. They’ve clearly exceeded beyond reason, and it appears they’re clearing out gaza for no other reason than personal expansion. Now, writing after the attack from Iran, I don’t know where this whole thing goes. I’m glad Russia, and Iran, have continued to show some restraint and maturity these last few years compared to the US and Israel.
Thank you, I'm glad to have an impact. I am from a sort of normie Baptist background but of course in American Christianity they went really far the other way in trying to remove anti-semitism from Christianity and there is overwhelming support for Israel, even if it rarely came up in church.
From as soon as I actually learned what the situation was I assumed everyone would support Palestine since they are obviously the oppressed ones, I had actually become more neutral and less hostile to Israel as an adult until the events of the last 6+ months.
Scorching article from start to finish. One thing: “It would be hard to make people forget Israeli responsibility for any retaliation which kills Americans.” There is already the tragic case of Rachel Corrie. One of the WCK volunteers was American. 33,000 Palestinians have been killed. It is Israel in this position partly because that position is uniquely defined by ideological, geopolitical and geographical factors, including the extreme leverage of the Jewish holocaust, of Oct 7, gaslighting the US as the only power to have used a nuke, authored the global terror playbook, committed war crimes everywhere…yet still hand over the bombs to drop on hospitals. Honestly the leverage these fuckers have is incredible. They hold the WWIII touch paper and one wonders re the extent of Epstein Island kompromat. Nothing less than a transformative miracle is required. Hopefully that doesn’t require WWIII. Then again, this IS WWIII.
I did mention Rachel Corrie, but yeah, it should be hard yet it seems quite a large percentage of the population will ultimately go along with the media's narrative on it, and it's commonly the case that people later forget what everyone knew before a war.
I actually just wrote something partially about this premise:
Arguably, 9/11 was the start of WWIII
the US bombing of Serbia in '99 was the beginning of post-Cold War relations between the US and Russia collapsing, but all major human events generally have multiple causes.
Than again, nothing comes out of nowhere.
The pathetic attempt by official spokespersons of the Israeli military and sympathizers to portray the IDF as an organization of heroic warriors of the highest morality and competence indicates a high level of delusion or cynicism. From what I can see the IDF consists of undisciplined groups of cowardly and brutish thugs, too afraid to come out of their armoured vehicles and fight the Palestinian resistance man to man, and who only seem capable of terrorizing, maiming and killing unarmed civilians. The one group that does show high levels of competence, bravery and discipline is the Palestinian resistance including all its factions.
I mean I shudder to think what would happen if the US actually tried to universally conscript the 18 year olds and make them fight a war near home. I think perhaps the era of the smart phone is badly compatible with fighting wars with conscript armies.
Anyway I think it's mostly the combination of malice and idiocy described within this article, but hard to say.
One of the evils of colonization is that the demography of a territory changes forever. Once you are born on that land, you don't have a homeland to return to. The current evil of Israel is the supremacist attitude towards the Palestinians. Israel's crimes in Gaza have made a one-state solution even more difficult and created a Schicksalsgemeinschaft of a people united in supporting horrific crimes against the colonized population. What kind of future is Netanyahu after?
the one state solution is obviously completely dead, what is more unfortunate is the constant expansion in the West Bank has made it clear that compliance is slow death. So what is there to do besides fight? They've clearly intentionally made meaningful Palestinian sovereignty over the West Bank impossible.
The two state solution was always just a fig leaf to cover the goal of complete take over of Palestine by Jewish settlers. But a pure Jewish state that the extremists want to achieve is not sustainable in the long run. I think Israel's usefulness to the US will end and maybe then, a compromise as in one state solution can be achieved.
Israel was never actually useful to the United States:
Thank you, will read.
Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the most evil of them all? Mirror replies, Israel, Israel, Israel
Why waste so much time and energy putting so many words to paper when that’s all you’re saying?
Seems like you’re really trying to convince yourself when you know the truth is that the USA’s actions in the Middle East since the end of WWII make this latest squabble in Gaza look more like a harmless scuffle between cousins.
God Israel supporters are the absolute worst
"Why waste so much time and energy putting so many words to paper when that’s all you’re saying?" you ask. I guess one possible answer to that is: to make people like yourself finally come to terms with the fact that you are defending the indefensible.
also i've been criticizing US foreign policy especially in the Middle East, especially our counterproductive "counter-terror" policies for as long as I have had any decent political awareness. Support Israel is a key component and cause of the US's horribly destructive ME policy.
I also wouldn't go with "the US is actually evil" if I was a Zionist trying to defend Israel, but IDK
Indeed. That should be an obvious point, but then again, in dealing with Israel apologists not one single aspect of reality can be taken for granted. It's like having to make the point that, no, it's actually not ok to kill 20 civilians just because there was a single legitimate target around - let alone when that target is sleeping and thus not posing any direct threat whatsoever. Mind boggling.